Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/01/24 14:59

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2 In this microlearning, we will focus on learning how to start with the eMagiz environment before entering into the Capture phase. What things do I need to know before starting?
4 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]].
6 == 1. Prerequisites ==
8 * Basic knowledge of integrations in general
10 == 2. Key Concepts ==
12 This microlearning will list out the technical requirements that need to be gathered before starting in eMagiz. Often DevOps teams are using DoR to understand what is needed before starting the work - this helps to input such lists. Technical requirements in this context are the things that describe the integration and are needed to perform the Capture & Design phase of eMagiz. Next to that, the proper solution needs to be selected for the integration problem. Different integration patterns exist which are described after this whole module.
14 == 3. Technical requirements ==
16 Below are the things to consider when implementing eMagiz for a new integration. These are things to discuss in the triangle business, eMagiz Developer and Architect.
18 * Data providers & consumers - The first thing to discuss is who will provide data and who will consume the data. The properties of these systems are important to take into consideration such as whether these are online all the time, what development teams are involved, and the capability to push or pull.
20 * Definitions - The exact definition of the data elements to be exchanged is to be retrieved so that an understanding is created around the format of the data packets as well as the specific mappings/transformation required. The definitions require a business perspective around the interpretation and use in the business process at hand.
22 * Frequency & size - The size of data packets is relevant to ensure the right solution is created including the right architecture in terms of Cloud formation. Frequency is similarly important to ensure the right solution and architecture are created.
24 * Connectivity - What are the involved connectivity constraints involved? Consider items such as VPNs into the client infrastructure, security considerations, involved parties, and their maturity level to easily connect or provide details.
26 == 4. Key takeaways ==
28 * Consider specifics for integration
29 * eMagiz is a comprehensive platform that allows ad-hoc integrators to perform all required activities to run the platform
30 * The ILM phases are key in the way of work in eMagiz.
32 == 5. Suggested Additional Readings ==
34 None to date
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