Default eMagiz XSLT Functions

Last modified by Eva Torken on 2023/08/10 12:10

In this microlearning, we will explain some standard eMagiz XSLT Functions that the platform offers you can use when transforming messages.

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1. Prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of the eMagiz platform

2. Key concepts

This microlearning discusses the standard eMagiz XSLT Functions that the platform offers.

Some of these XSLT Functions are:

  • remove-timezone-from-dateTime
  • adjust-timezone-to-dateTime
  • call-xslt-extension-gateway

Apart from that, multiple other XSLT Functions will be described.

3. eMagiz XSLT Functions

In addition to the standard XPath/XSLT functions (see W3Schools), eMagiz also supports the functions that are listed below. These extension functions are located in following namespaces:

  • for the mapping functions (prefixed with `mapping` in this document)
  • for generic eMagiz extension functions (prefixed with `ezx` in this document)

3.1 lookup-cdm-code

string mapping:lookup-cdm-code(string system, string codeType, string systemCode, boolean mustExist)

Looks up the CDM code for the given system code. If caching is enabled, the CDM code will be returned from the cache if possible, otherwise it will be added to the cache after performing the lookup so subsequent calls can use this cached value.


  • system identifier of the system to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • codeType type of code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • systemCode system code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • mustExist if true, a `MappingException` is thrown when the resulting CDM code would be null or empty


The requested CDM code (if _mustExist_ is false, the value might be null or empty, indicating no code element was present in the mapping service response or the code element was present but didn't have a value)

3.2 lookup-system-code

string mapping:lookup-system-code(string system, string codeType, string cdmCode, boolean mustExist)

Looks up the system code for the given CDM code. If caching is enabled, the system code will be returned from the cache if possible, otherwise it will be added to the cache after performing the lookup so subsequent calls can use this cached value.


  • system identifier of the system to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • codeType type of code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • cdmCode CDM code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • mustExist if true, a `MappingException` is thrown when the resulting system code would be null or empty


the requested system code (if _mustExist_ is false, the value might be null or empty, indicating no code element was present in the mapping service response or the code element was present but didn't have a value)

3.3 lookup-custom-attribute

string mapping:lookup-custom-attribute(string codeType, string cdmCode, string customAttribute, boolean mustExist)

Looks up the value for the specified custom attribute of the given CDM code. If caching is enabled, the custom attribute value will be returned from the cache if possible, otherwise it will be added to the cache after performing the lookup so subsequent calls can use this cached value.


  • codeType type of code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • cdmCode CDM code to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • customAttribute custom attribute to do the lookup for (not null or empty, max length 64)
  • mustExist if true, a `MappingException` is thrown when the resulting custom attribute value would be null or empty


the value of the requested custom attribute (if _mustExist_ is false, the value might be null or empty, indicating no value element was present in the mapping service response or the value element was present but didn't have a value)

3.4 format-dateTime

string ezx:format-dateTime(dateTime dateTime, string pattern)

string ezx:format-dateTime(dateTime dateTime, string pattern, string timeZone)

Formats a given date/time as a string using the specified pattern.


  • dateTime the date/time to format
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for formatting the date/time
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when formatting the output; if not specified the time zone of the input date/time is used (which, when unspecified, defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:dateTime or the JVM local time zone otherwise)


The formatted date/time as a string value.


ezx:format-dateTime('2014-01-01T04:45:30.000+01:00', 'E MMM dd yyyy h:mma Z')

Result Wed Jan 01 2014 4:45AM +0100


ezx:format-dateTime('2014-01-01T04:45:30.000+01:00', 'E MMM dd yyyy h:mma Z', 'America/New_York')

Result Tue Dec 31 2013 10:45PM -0500

3.5 format-date

string ezx:format-date(date date, string pattern)

string ezx:format-date(date date, string pattern, string timeZone)

Formats a given date as a string using the specified pattern.


  • date the date to format
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for formatting the date
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when formatting the output; if not specified the time zone of the input date is used (which, when unspecified, defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:date or the JVM local time zone otherwise)


The formatted date as a string value.


ezx:format-date('2014-01-01+01:00', 'E MMM dd yyyy Z')

Result Wed Jan 01 2014 +0100


ezx:format-date('2014-01-01+01:00', 'E MMM dd yyyy Z', 'America/New_York')

Result Tue Dec 31 2013 -0500

3.6 format-time

string ezx:format-time(time time, string pattern)

string ezx:format-time(time time, string pattern, string timeZone)

Formats a given time as a string using the specified pattern.


  • time the time to format
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for formatting the time
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when formatting the output; if not specified the time zone of the input time is used (which, when unspecified, defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:time or the JVM local time zone otherwise)


The formatted time as a string value.


ezx:format-time('04:45:30.000+01:00', 'h:mma Z')

Result 4:45AM +0100


ezx:format-time('04:45:30.000+01:00', 'h:mma Z', 'America/New_York')

Result 10:45PM -0500

3.7 parse-dateTime

dateTime ezx:parse-dateTime(string stringValue, string pattern)

dateTime ezx:parse-dateTime(string stringValue, string pattern, string timeZone)

Parses a given string value into a date/time using the specified pattern.


  • stringValue the string value to parse into a date/time
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for parsing the string value into a date/time
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when parsing the input, completely ignoring any time zone information in the string value; if not specified the time zone information in the string value is used (which, when not present, defaults to the JVM local time zone)


The parsed date/time as a dateTime value.


ezx:parse-dateTime('Wed Jan 01 2014 4:45AM +0100', 'E MMM dd yyyy h:mma Z')

Result 2014-01-01T04:45:00+01:00


ezx:parse-dateTime('Wed Jan 01 2014 4:45AM +0100', 'E MMM dd yyyy h:mma Z', 'America/New_York')

Result 2014-01-01T04:45:00-05:00

3.8 parse-date

date ezx:parse-date(string stringValue, string pattern)

date ezx:parse-date(string stringValue, string pattern, string timeZone)

Parses a given string value into a date using the specified pattern.


  • stringValue the string value to parse into a date
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for parsing the string value into a date
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when parsing the input, completely ignoring any time zone information in the string value; if not specified the time zone information in the string value is used (which, when not present, defaults to the JVM local time zone)


The parsed date as a date value.


ezx:parse-date('Wed Jan 01 2014 +0100', 'E MMM dd yyyy Z')

Result 2014-01-01+01:00


ezx:parse-date('Wed Jan 01 2014 +0100', 'E MMM dd yyyy Z', 'America/New_York')

Result 2014-01-01-05:00

3.9 parse-time

time ezx:parse-time(string stringValue, string pattern)

time ezx:parse-time(string stringValue, string pattern, string timeZone)

Parses a given string value into a time using the specified pattern.


  • stringValue the string value to parse into a time
  • pattern the pattern (a string following the [DateTimeFormat pattern syntax]) to use for parsing the string value into a time
  • timeZone [Optional] the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to use when parsing the input, completely ignoring any time zone information in the string value; if not specified the time zone information in the string value is used (which, when not present, defaults to the JVM local time zone)


The parsed time as a time value.


ezx:parse-time('4:45AM +0100', 'h:mma Z')

Result 04:45:00+01:00


ezx:parse-time('4:45AM +0100', 'h:mma Z', 'America/New_York')

Result 04:45:00-05:00

3.10 remove-timezone-from-dateTime

dateTime ezx:remove-timezone-from-dateTime(dateTime dateTime)

Removes all timezone information from the given date/time without changing its value.


  • dateTime the date/time to remove the timezone information from


The date/time without any timezone information as a dateTime value.



Result 2014-01-01T04:45:30

3.11 remove-timezone-from-date

date ezx:remove-timezone-from-date(date date)

Removes all timezone information from the given date without changing its value.


  • date the date to remove the timezone information from


The date without any timezone information as a date value.



Result 2014-01-01

3.12 remove-timezone-from-time

time ezx:remove-timezone-from-time(time time)

Removes all timezone information from the given time without changing its value.


  • time the time to remove the timezone information from


The time without any timezone information as a time value.



Result 04:45:30

3.13 adjust-dateTime-to-timezone

dateTime ezx:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(dateTime dateTime, string timeZone)

Adjusts the given date/time to the specified timezone (respecting the original timezone).


  • dateTime the date/time to adjust to a timezone; when the timezone of this date/time is unspecified, it defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:dateTime or the JVM local time zone otherwise
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to adjust the date/time to


The adjusted date/time as a dateTime value.


ezx:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone('2014-01-01T04:45:30.000+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 2013-12-31T22:45:30-05:00

3.14 adjust-date-to-timezone

date ezx:adjust-date-to-timezone(date date, string timeZone)

Adjusts the given date to the specified timezone (respecting the original timezone).


  • date the date to adjust to a timezone; when the timezone of this date is unspecified, it defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:date or the JVM local time zone otherwise
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to adjust the date to


The adjusted date as a date value.


ezx:adjust-date-to-timezone('2014-01-01+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 2013-12-31-05:00

3.15 adjust-time-to-timezone

time ezx:adjust-time-to-timezone(time time, string timeZone)

Adjusts the given time to the specified timezone (respecting the original timezone).


  • time the time to adjust to a timezone; when the timezone of this time is unspecified, it defaults to UTC if the input is an instance of xs:time or the JVM local time zone otherwise
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to adjust the time to


The adjusted time as a time value.


ezx:adjust-time-to-timezone('04:45:30.000+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 22:45:30-05:00

3.16 override-timezone-of-dateTime

dateTime ezx:override-timezone-of-dateTime(dateTime dateTime, string timeZone)

Overrides the timezone of the given date/time with the specified timezone (ignoring the original timezone).


  • dateTime the date/time to override the timezone of; whether this date/time specifies a timezone or not is irrelevant, as it will be overridden anyway
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to override the date/time with


The date/time with the new timezone as a dateTime value.


ezx:override-timezone-of-dateTime('2014-01-01T04:45:30.000+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 2014-01-01T04:45:30-05:00

3.17 override-timezone-of-date

date ezx:override-timezone-of-date(date date, string timeZone)

Overrides the timezone of the given date with the specified timezone (ignoring the original timezone).


  • date the date to override the timezone of; whether this date specifies a timezone or not is irrelevant, as it will be overridden anyway
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to override the date with


The date with the new timezone as a date value.


ezx:override-timezone-of-date('2014-01-01+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 2014-01-01-05:00

3.18 override-timezone-of-time

time ezx:override-timezone-of-time(time time, string timeZone)

Overrides the timezone of the given time with the specified timezone (ignoring the original timezone).


  • time the time to override the timezone of; whether this time specifies a timezone or not is irrelevant, as it will be overridden anyway
  • timeZone the time zone (a string as accepted by [DateTimeZone.forID(String)]) to override the time with


The time with the new timezone as a time value.


ezx:override-timezone-of-time('04:45:30.000+01:00', 'America/New_York')

Result 04:45:30-05:00

3.19 call-xslt-extension-gateway

node ezx:call-xslt-extension-gateway(gateway gateway, node request)

Calls the given XSLT extension gateway and returns the response XML message.


  • gateway the XSLT extension gateway to call (should be passed to the stylesheet as an `<xsl:param/>` value)
  • request the request message (a single XML node) to send to the gateway; this XML node will be serialized into a string value before sending it to the gateway


The response message (a single XML node) received from the gateway; the gateway's string response will be parsed as an XML document before it is returned.


ezx:call-xslt-extension-gateway($gateway, //Customer[1])

Result <CustomerDetails>...</CustomerDetails>

4. Key takeaways

Some of these XSLT Functions are:

  • remove-timezone-from-dateTime
  • adjust-timezone-to-dateTime
  • call-xslt-extension-gateway

Apart from that, multiple other XSLT Functions will be described.

5. Suggested Additional Readings

If you are interested in this topic and want more information on it please read the following links: