Setting up Failover - Deploy Phase
In the previous microlearning, we discussed what needs to be done in the Create phase to enable failover for systems that are configured to have them in the Design phase. Next to that, we also discussed that setting up this failover functionality in your model requires you to execute some steps in your Design, Create, and lastly Deploy phase. Picking up from what we have toggled in the Create phase, in this microlearning, we will focus on the steps and configurations that you have to make in the Deploy phase to activate the active/passive failover functionality.
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1. Prerequisites
- Intermediate knowledge of the eMagiz platform.
2. Key concepts
This microlearning describes what configuration that you will have to do in the Deploy phase, based on what you have configured in the Design and Create phase, to enable failover for systems connecting with your model. The grouping and failover functionality is relevant when faced with maintenance and outages of systems connected to your model. The failover functionality assists in that case and allows you to have a fallback option on an active connection.
3. Deploy Phase Configuration
3.1 Deploy Architecture
After finishing up your configuration in the Create phase, you can then move to your Deploy>Architecture. Here, you will see
4. Key takeaways
- Grouping is beneficial when external systems go through maintenance or downtime.
- Failover can have the additional benefit of having a fallback scenario while still adhering to the requirement that there can only be one active connection at a time.
- The role naming in both grouping and failover is crucial. The whole name needs to be matched fully to make it work.
- For the infra configuration of the failover setup, we have a store item that you can use.
5. Suggested Additional Readings
If you are interested in this topic and want more information, please read the help text provided by eMagiz and check out these links: