Changes for page Volume Mapping (On-premise)
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving1 +Volume Mapping (On-premise) - Default language
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +en - Content
... ... @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ 1 1 {{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 2 -n some cases, the input you receive or the output that you need to send to an external party cannot handle all characters or the input or output is written with the help of a character set. In this microlearning, we will learn how you can define the character set for file-based connectivity to ensure that you can process and deliver files according to the specifications. 3 3 3 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios. 4 + 4 4 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]]. 5 5 6 -* Last update: May 31th, 2021 7 -* Required reading time: 7 minutes 8 - 9 9 == 1. Prerequisites == 10 10 11 11 * Basic knowledge of the eMagiz platform ... ... @@ -12,51 +12,86 @@ 12 12 13 13 == 2. Key concepts == 14 14 15 -This microlearning centers around learning how to definethecharactersettoensurethateMagizprocessestheinformation correctly.13 +This microlearning centers around learning how to set up your volume mapping correctly so you can exchange file-based data on-premise. 16 16 17 -By characterset, we mean:Thecompositenumberofdifferent charactersthat arebeingusedandsupportedbycomputersoftwarendhardware.Itconsists ofodes,bitpatterns,ornaturalnumbers usedin definingsomeparticular character.15 +By volume mapping, we mean: Creating a configuration through which the docker container can read and write data on a specific path on an on-premise machine. 18 18 19 -* Some external system talk in a different character set 20 -* eMagiz talks in default UTF-8 as a character set and assumes everyone else also does this 21 -* In cases of mismatch correct is at the point where you talk with the other system (i.e. entry or exit) 17 +There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine. 18 +* Volume 19 +* Bind mount 20 +* Temporary file system 21 +* Named pipe 22 22 23 -== 3. Characterset==23 +== 3. Volume Mapping (On-premise) == 24 24 25 - Insomecases,theinputyoureceiveortheoutputthatyou need tosendtoanexternalparty cannothandleallcharactersor the inputoroutputiswrittenwith thehelpof a characterset.Inthis microlearning,we willlearn how you candefinethecharactersetfor file-basedconnectivitytoensurethatyou canprocessand deliver files accordingto thepecifications.25 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios. 26 26 27 -Sometimes external systems only talk in a specific character set. To ensure that all the data is properly communicated between eMagiz and the other system we need to make sure that we define which character set that is so we can tell it to eMagiz via a component. That way eMagiz will deviate from its default (i.e. UTF-8) and will process the file according to that different character set. In practice, we mainly see windows-1252 as an alternative that pops up once in a while. In various components that deal with file handling, you can define the character set on which eMagiz should act. Examples of such components are: 27 +There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine. 28 +* Volume 29 +* Bind mount 30 +* Temporary file system 31 +* Named pipe 28 28 29 -- File to string transformer 30 -- Flat file to XML transformer 31 -- File outbound channel adapter 33 +Below we will explain the differences between the various options available for your volume mapping. But before we do, we first explain how to set up this configuration within eMagiz. Then, you must navigate to Deploy -> Architecture on the model level. In this overview, you can access the Volume mapping per runtime deployed on-premise. To do so, you can right-click on the runtime to access the context menu. 32 32 33 - Inll thesecomponents you havetheoptiontodefinethe characterset within the Advanced tabof the component. In this microlearning, we will use the File tostring transformer toillustratehowthat will look.35 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-option-context-menu.png]] 34 34 35 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-characterset--characterset-configuration.png]]37 +When you click this option, you will see the following pop-up. In this pop-up, you can define the machine-level and runtime-level volumes. More on that later. This is the starting point for configuring your volume mapping. We will walk through each available option and explain how they work and should be configured. 36 36 37 - In this field, you can define the character set of your choice. Tomakethis work in eMagiz youneed to navigateto the Create phase of eMagiz and open the entry flow in which you want toretrieve the file toa certainlocation. Within thecontext of this flow, we need toadd functionality that will ensure that the correct character set is used. To do so first enter "Start Editing" mode on flow level.After thatopen, the File to string transformer,navigate tothe Advanced tab, andfill in thecorrect characterset. After you havedefined thecorrect character set the only thing leftto dois to Save the component. See the suggested additionalreadings sectionon the complete listof character sets that are supported by Java 8.39 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-mapping-pop-up.png]] 38 38 39 - Congratulationsyouhavesuccessfullylearnedhowtospecify the characterset.41 +{{info}}Note that you should be in "Start editing" mode to make any changes to the configuration of your volume mapping.{{/info}} 40 40 43 +=== 3.1 Volume === 44 + 45 +The first type available to you is Volume. With this option you create one or more folders on docker that is relevant for that runtime to read and/or write **persistent** data. To configure this type you need to link the runtime volume to a machine volume that you can create within the same pop-up. This means that you can re-use a "Machine volume" over multiple runtimes (i.e. containers). 46 + 47 +So, at first we open the tab called "Machine volume". By pressing the "New" button we can define a new "Machine volume". In the pop-up that follows we can define the name of a machine volume and tell whether the volume already exists on your docker installation or not. 48 + 49 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--machine-volumes-configuration.png]] 50 + 51 +Once you have done so we press "Save" and switch back to the "Runtime volumes" tab. In here we press the "New" button to create a new "Runtime volume". In the pop-up that follows we first need to select the Type we want to use. For this example we use the type called "Volume". Based on your selection the relevant input fields will change. 52 + 53 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-volume.png]] 54 + 55 +The first thing we need to select is the "Machine volume". Once we have selected our "Machine volume" we need to select the Target that is specific for this runtime. This target defines the second part of the path to which the runtime will gain access. For example, when you fill in "/target" we can combine this with the "Machine volume" name to arrive at the correct directory from which eMagiz needs to read data (or write data to). So in our case this would be "/file-directory/target." 56 + 57 +The last setting we need to configure is to define which rights we will grant our runtime on the volume we are creating. The default setting is read/write rights for the runtime which is sufficient in most cases. The result of following these steps will be the following. 58 + 59 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-volume-filled-in.png]] 60 + 61 +{{warning}}Note, that when you use the Volume option the external system with which you exchange data on-premise via a file based method need to be able to write or read the data from the volume (i.e. directory) you have configured in Docker. Should this be a problem the Bind mount alternative discussed below should be considered.{{/warning}} 62 + 63 +=== 3.2 Bind mount === 64 + 65 +An alternative option to read and write **persistent** data is to use the "Bind mount" option avaiable. In general we advice to use the "Volume" option because they have better performance and bind mounts are dependent on the directory structure and OS of the host machine. Having said that not all external systems can adapt to this that easily. That is why the "Bind mount" option can be of interest in your use case. 66 + 67 +To configure a "Bind mount" you need to define a source and a target directory that are linked to each other. The source directory defines the directory on your local system (that might already be in use currently to exchange files). The target directory defines a directory on your docker installation that can be accessed by the runtime. 68 + 69 +=== 3.3 Temporary file system === 70 + 71 +=== 3.4 Named pipe === 72 + 73 +The named pipe option can be selected but we yet have to see a valid use case within the context of eMagiz for using this option. Therefore we won't discuss this option further in this microlearning. 74 + 41 41 == 4. Assignment == 42 42 43 -Configure an entry in which you definethecomponentandconfiguration neededtoprocessafileona per-linebasis.77 +Configure an entry in which you build the archiving and the clean up of the archiving. 44 44 This assignment can be completed with the help of the (Academy) project that you have created/used in the previous assignment. 45 45 46 46 == 5. Key takeaways == 47 47 48 -* Some externalsystemtalkinafferentcharacterset49 -* eMagiz talksindefault UTF-8 asa characterset andassumeseveryoneelselsodoesthis50 -* Incasesof mismatchcorrect is at thepointwhereyou talkwith theothersystem(i.e.entryorexit)51 -* eMagiz providesseveral componentswithinwhich you candefinethecharacterset82 +* Archiving is used for audit purposes 83 +* Archiving is used for retry scenarios 84 +* Ensure that data is cleaned after a retention period to keep in control of the data 85 +* Don't forget the max messages per poll 52 52 53 53 == 6. Suggested Additional Readings == 54 54 55 -If you are interested in this topic and want more information on it please read the help text provided by eMagiz and readthe followinglinks:89 +If you are interested in this topic and want more information on it please read the help text provided by eMagiz and check out the following store content: 56 56 57 -* 58 -* 59 -* 91 +* [[File Archiving>>doc:Main.eMagiz Store.Accelerators.File Archiving.WebHome||target="blank"]] 92 +* [[Delete Folder(s)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Store.Accelerators.Delete Folder(s).WebHome||target="blank"]] 60 60 61 61 == 7. Silent demonstration video == 62 62