Changes for page Volume Mapping (On-premise)
Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/08/26 12:37
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edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/10/31 08:29
on 2022/10/31 08:29
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To version 42.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/10/31 09:08
on 2022/10/31 09:08
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise1 +Volume Mapping (On-premise) - Default language
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... ... @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 1 1 {{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 2 -In most cases, the customer wants some kind of insurance policy to determine whether a file has entered or left eMagiz. One way of supplying such functionality for file-based data exchange is through the use of archiving functionality. With the help of this functionality can you easily write the file as received (or about to be sent) to a separate location. By ensuring that the data stays in that location for a certain amount of time and by giving the customer and yourself access you have a sort of audit trail that details the messages that have been exchanged. This archive could also be used to analyze problems in case things go wrong. In this microlearning, we will learn how you can set up that archiving and learn how to clean up the archiving to ensure that data is only kept for a limited period. 3 3 3 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios. 4 + 4 4 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]]. 5 5 6 6 == 1. Prerequisites == ... ... @@ -9,58 +9,44 @@ 9 9 10 10 == 2. Key concepts == 11 11 12 -This microlearning centers around learning how to archive correctly.13 +This microlearning centers around learning how to set up your volume mapping correctly so you can exchange file-based data on-premise. 13 13 14 -By a rchiving, we mean:Temporarilystoringdatafor auditpurposesandpossibleretryscenarios.15 +By volume mapping, we mean: Creating a configuration through which the docker container can read and write data on a specific path on an on-premise machine. 15 15 16 -* Archiving is used for audit purposes 17 -* Archiving is used for retry scenarios 18 -* Ensure that data is cleaned after a retention period to keep in control of the data 17 +There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine. 18 +* Volume 19 +* Bind mount 20 +* Temporary file system 21 +* Named pipe 19 19 20 -== 3. Archiving ==23 +== 3. Volume Mapping (On-premise) == 21 21 22 - Inmostcases, thecustomerwants somekindof insurance policy todeterminewhetherafilehasenteredorleft eMagiz. Onewayof supplying such functionality forfile-baseddata exchangeisthroughtheuse ofarchiving functionality.Withthehelpofthisfunctionalitycan you easilywritethefile as received(orabouttobesent) toa separatelocation.Byensuringthat the datastaysinthat locationfora certain amountof timeand by givingthe customerand yourselfaccessyou have a sortfaudittrail that detailsthe messagesthathavebeenexchanged.Thisarchivecouldalsobe used to analyze problemsincasethingsgo wrong.Inthis microlearning,we willlearn how youcansetupthatarchivingandlearnhowto cleanup the archivingtoensurethat data isonly kept foralimited period.25 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios. 23 23 24 -=== 3.1 Archiving itself === 27 +There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine. 28 +* Volume 29 +* Bind mount 30 +* Temporary file system 31 +* Named pipe 25 25 26 - TomakethisworkineMagiz youneedto navigate to theCreatephaseofeMagiz and open theentry flowinwhichyouwanttoarchivethe files.Withinthe contextofthisflow, weneed to addfunctionalitythatwill ensurethat eachinputfileisarchivedand cleaned up when olderthanthreedays. Todosofirstnter"StartEditing"modeon flowlevel.The first decisionwe haveto takeishow wearegoingtoname thefileswithin thearchiving.The bestpractice,inhis case,is theoriginalfilename+ the current timeasasuffix.You candefine thisby dragginga formatfile namegenerator(supportobject)tohecanvas.33 +Below we will explain the differences between the various options available for your volume mapping. But before we do, we first explain how to set up this configuration within eMagiz. Then, you must navigate to Deploy -> Architecture on the model level. In this overview, you can access the Volume mapping per runtime deployed on-premise. To do so, you can right-click on the runtime to access the context menu. 27 27 28 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-a rchiving--file-name-generator.png]]35 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-option-context-menu.png]] 29 29 30 - After wehavedonethis please add a fileoutboundchanneladapterto the flowcludingan inputchannel.Ensure thatyou use apropertyfor thedirectorythatreferencesanotherdirectorycomparedtothe inputdirectorytopreventcreatingan infiniteloop.37 +When you click this option, you will see the following pop-up. In this pop-up, you can define the machine-level and runtime-level volumes. More on that later. This is the starting point for configuring your volume mapping. We will walk through each available option and explain how they work and should be configured. 31 31 32 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity- archiving--archiving-config-file-outbound-basic.png]]39 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-mapping-pop-up.png]] 33 33 34 -No wthatwehave configuredthebasics letus turn our attention totheadvancedconfiguration.In the advancedtabofthis component,weneedto select the file namegeneratortoensurethat thefiles are namedcorrectly. Incase youprocess each lineseparatelyyouhave tochoosewhether to save thems separate files in the archive or by appendingthem again.This canbe achieved by selecting the correct Mode. In most cases, however, the default Mode of Replace will suffice.41 +{{info}}Note that you should be in "Start editing" mode to make any changes to the configuration of your volume mapping.{{/info}} 35 35 36 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--archiving-config-file-outbound-advanced.png]]43 +=== 3.1 Volume === 37 37 38 - Themoment you are satisfied press Save.Now that we have configured this it becomes time to determine how we get the neededinput to write to our archive. In the example we are using here we want toarchive our inputfile so we need to ensure that the data we received is written to the archive as soon as possible. To do so place a wiretap on the first channel after retrieving the file. This will make sure that the message is archived before processed further. The result should be something as shown below. Note that this same piece of logic could be applied in other flows within the eMagiz platform in a similar manner.45 +=== 3.2 Bind mount === 39 39 40 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--archiving-result.png]]47 +=== 3.3 Temporary file system === 41 41 42 -=== 3. 2Clean up theArchive ===49 +=== 3.4 Named pipe === 43 43 44 -To ensure that the data is not kept indefinitely we need to clean up the archive. We do so to prevent problems with disk space but also to prevent data leaks of old data that could impact the privacy of others. Before we can set up the logic in eMagiz we need to talk to the customer to see what an acceptable term is within which the data is kept. In most cases, this is a week or two weeks. In this example, we have chosen three days. 45 - 46 -Now that we know the limit it is time to configure the components. We start with a composite file filter (support object). Within this filter, we at least define how old a file must be before it can be deleted (in milliseconds). If we turn three days into milliseconds we get 259200000. Furthermore, we at least define that we only want to delete regular files. 47 - 48 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--file-list-filter-for-archive-cleanup.png]] 49 - 50 -Having done so we can add a file inbound channel adapter to the canvas including an output channel. Ensure that the property reference for the directory matches the one you have used before in the outbound channel adapter. Furthermore link the filter to the component and define the poller according to the best practice. 51 - 52 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--file-inbound-archive-cleanup.png]] 53 - 54 -One thing we should not forget within this configuration is to set the Max messages per poll on the Advanced tab of the poller-configuration to a sufficiently high number (i.e. 50). If you forget to do so and you only check once a day it will mean that only one message will be deleted that day. 55 - 56 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--file-inbound-archive-cleanup-max-messages-per-poll.png]] 57 - 58 -Now eMagiz will check on a set time interval whether there are files that are older than three days that are ready for deletion. One last step to go. This last step will ensure that all files that fit the bill will be deleted from the archive. Simply add a standard service activator to the canvas and define the following SPeL expression within the component: payload.delete(). 59 - 60 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-archiving--archive-cleanup-deletion.png]] 61 - 62 -This will ensure that each file that is retrieved will indeed be deleted from the archive. 63 - 64 64 == 4. Assignment == 65 65 66 66 Configure an entry in which you build the archiving and the clean up of the archiving.