Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/08/26 12:37

From version 58.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/11/16 07:06
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To version 55.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/04/11 12:37
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4 4  Please note that this microlearning is for the new monitoring stack only.
5 5  {{/warning}}
6 6  
7 -When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and ensure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. This microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios.
7 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios.
8 8  
9 9  Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]].
10 10  
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14 14  
15 15  == 2. Key concepts ==
16 16  
17 -This microlearning centers around learning how to correctly set up your volume mapping so you can exchange file-based data on-premise.
17 +This microlearning centers around learning how to set up your volume mapping correctly so you can exchange file-based data on-premise.
18 18  
19 -By volume mapping, we mean Creating a configuration through which the docker container can read and write data on a specific path on an on-premise machine. Note that the data can also be stored inside the docker container when the other party writing or reading the data can access this path or when the data is only relevant within the context of eMagiz.
19 +By volume mapping, we mean: Creating a configuration through which the docker container can read and write data on a specific path on an on-premise machine.
20 20  
21 21  There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine.
22 22  * Volume
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27 27  == 3. Volume Mapping (On-premise) ==
28 28  
29 -When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and ensure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. This microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios.
29 +When you need to read and write files from an on-premise disk, you need to know the path in which the data is stored and make sure that the docker container in your runtime(s) running has access to this path. There are several ways of dealing with this challenge. First, this microlearning will discuss the various alternatives and best approaches in these scenarios.
30 30  
31 31  There are several options for volume mapping for your on-premise machine.
32 32  * Machine volume
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35 35  * Temporary file system
36 36  * Named pipe
37 37  
38 -Below, we will explain the differences between the various options available for your volume mapping. But before we do, we explain how to set up this configuration within eMagiz. Then, you must navigate to Deploy -> Architecture on the model level. This overview lets you access the Volume mapping per runtime deployed on-premise. To do so, you can right-click on the runtime to access the context menu.
38 +Below we will explain the differences between the various options available for your volume mapping. But before we do, we first explain how to set up this configuration within eMagiz. Then, you must navigate to Deploy -> Architecture on the model level. In this overview, you can access the Volume mapping per runtime deployed on-premise. To do so, you can right-click on the runtime to access the context menu.
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40 40  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-option-context-menu.png]]
41 41  
42 -When you click this option, you will see the following pop-up. In this pop-up, you can define the machine-level, runtime-level, and network-level volumes. More on that later. This is the starting point for configuring your volume mapping. We will walk through each available option and explain how they work and should be configured.
42 +When you click this option, you will see the following pop-up. In this pop-up, you can define the machine-level, runtime-level volumes and network-level volumes. More on that later. This is the starting point for configuring your volume mapping. We will walk through each available option and explain how they work and should be configured.
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44 44  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--volume-mapping-pop-up.png]]
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48 48  === 3.1 Volume ===
49 49  
50 -The first Type available to you is volume. With this option, you create one or more folders on Docker relevant to that runtime to read and write **persistent** data. To configure this Type, you need to link the runtime volume to a machine volume (or network volume) you can create within the same pop-up. This means you can re-use a "Machine volume" or a "Network volume" over multiple runtimes (i.e., containers). We first need to define a machine (or network) volume to do so. Once we have done that, we can learn how to link the volume to the machine or network volume.
50 +The first Type available to you is Volume. With this option, you create one or more folders on Docker relevant to that runtime to read and write **persistent** data. To configure this Type, you need to link the runtime volume to a machine volume (or network volume) you can create within the same pop-up. This means you can re-use a "Machine volume" or a "Network volume" over multiple runtimes (i.e., containers). To do so we first need to define a machine (or network) volume. Once we have done that we can learn how to link the volume to the machine or network volume.
51 51  
52 52  ==== 3.1.1 Define Machine Volume ====
53 53  
54 -So, we first open the tab called "Machine volume." Then, by pressing the "New" button, we can define a new "Machine volume." In the following pop-up, we can specify the name of a machine volume and tell whether the volume already exists on your docker installation.
54 +So, we first open the tab called "Machine volume." Then, by pressing the "New" button, we can define a new "Machine volume." In the pop-up that follows, we can specify the name of a machine volume and tell whether the Volume already exists on your docker installation or not.
55 55  
56 56  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--machine-volumes-configuration.png]]
57 57  
58 58  Once you have done so, we press "Save" and switch back to the "Runtime volumes" tab.
59 59  
60 -{{info}}When stating that the machine volume already exists, you can re-use the same machine volume across multiple runtimes (i.e., containers). This is especially useful when archiving data. You can create a central volume in which the data is stored, and through the linkage of the volume to the machine volume, you can subsequently structure your archiving folder. The paths will then look as follows, "/archive/runtimename"{{/info}}
61 -
62 62  ==== 3.1.2 Define Network Volume ====
63 63  
64 -So, we first open the tab called "Network volume." Then, by pressing the "New" button, we can define a new "Network volume." In the following pop-up, we can specify the name of a machine volume and configure the relevant information for a network volume. In most cases, a CIFS is used, and the only pertinent options that need to be filled in are the host, path, username, and password.
62 +So, we first open the tab called "Network volume." Then, by pressing the "New" button, we can define a new "Network volume." In the pop-up that follows, we can specify the name of a machine volume and configure the relevant information for a network volume. In most cases a CIFS is used and the only relevant options that need to be filled in are the host, port, username and password.
65 65  
66 66  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--network-volumes-configuration.png]]
67 67  
68 68  Once you have done so, we press "Save" and switch back to the "Runtime volumes" tab.
69 69  
70 -{{info}}When configuring a network volume, the following information is relevant to know:
71 -* When you create a network volume to a folder that contains sub-folders, all sub-folders are shared automatically and can be accessed from the flow level
72 -* When dealing with multiple hosts, you must create a specific entry per host, as this follows the guiding security principles of the underlying infrastructure.{{/info}}
73 -
74 74  ==== 3.1.3 Link Volume ====
75 75  
76 -In the "Runtime volumes" tab, we push the "New" button to create a new "Runtime volume." In the following pop-up, we must select the Type we want to use. For this example, we use the Type called "Volume."
70 +In the "Runtime volumes" tab, we push the "New" button to create a new "Runtime volume." In the following pop-up, we first need to select the Type we want to use. For this example, we use the Type called "Volume."
77 77  
78 -{{info}} The relevant input fields will change based on your selection. {{/info}}
72 +{{info}}Based on your selection, the relevant input fields will change.{{/info}}
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80 80  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-volume.png]]
81 81  
82 -The first thing we need to select is the "Volume." Once we have chosen our "Volume," we must set the Target specific for this runtime. This target defines the second part of the path to which the runtime will gain access. For example, when you fill in "/target", we can combine this with the "Volume" name to arrive at the correct directory from which eMagiz needs to read data (or write data to). So, in our case, in which we link the volume to the machine volume we created earlier, this would be "/file-directory/target."
76 +The first thing we need to select is the "Volume." Once we have chosen our "Volume," we must set the Target specific for this runtime. This target defines the second part of the path to which the runtime will gain access. For example, when you fill in "/target", we can combine this with the "Volume" name to arrive at the correct directory from which eMagiz needs to read data (or write data to). So in our case in which we link the volume to the machine volume we created earlier, this would be "/file-directory/target."
83 83  
84 -The last setting we need to configure is to define the rights we will grant our runtime on the volume we create. The default setting is read/write rights for the runtime, which is usually sufficient. The result of following these steps will be the following.
78 +The last setting we need to configure is to define which rights we will grant our runtime on the Volume we are creating. The default setting is read/write rights for the runtime, which is sufficient in most cases. The result of following these steps will be the following.
85 85  
86 86  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-volume-filled-in.png]]
87 87  
88 -{{warning}}Note the following when considering using the Volume option:
89 -* In the case of using the Volume option in combination with a Machine volume, the external system with which you exchange data on-premise via a file-based method needs to be able to write or read the data from the volume (i.e., directory) you have configured. Should this be a problem, the Bind mount alternative discussed below should be considered.
90 -* The Volume option and Machine volume combination can also be used for eMagiz-only information that needs to be persistable, such as archiving.
91 -* In the case of using the Volume option in combination with a Network volume, the path to read and write from becomes what you define in the target field.
92 -{{/warning}}
82 +{{warning}}Note that when you use the Volume option, the external system with which you exchange data on-premise via a file-based method needs to be able to write or read the data from the Volume (i.e., directory) you have configured in Docker. Should this be a problem, the Bind mount alternative discussed below should be considered.{{/warning}}
93 93  
94 94  === 3.2 Bind mount ===
95 95  
96 -An alternative option to read and write **persistent** data is the "Bind mount" option. We generally advise using the "Volume" option because they perform better, and bind mounts depend on the host machine's directory structure and OS. However, only some external systems can adapt to this that easily. For example, the "Bind mount" option can interest your use case.
86 +An alternative option to read and write **persistent** data is to use the "Bind mount" option. In general, we advise using the "Volume" option because they have better performance, and bind mounts depend on the host machine's directory structure and OS. However, only some external systems can adapt to this that easily. For example, the "Bind mount" option can interest your use case.
97 97  
98 98  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-bind-mount.png]]
99 99  
100 100  To configure a "Bind mount," you need to define a source and a target directory linked to each other. The source directory represents the directory on your local system (that might already be used currently to exchange files). The target directory defines a directory on your docker installation that the runtime can access.
101 101  
92 +{{warning}}Note that when the source directory does not exist, the runtimes cannot be deployed correctly. One of the following two configurations displayed below are needed to find the source directory:
93 +* /mnt/host/{local-directory}
94 +* /run/desktop/mnt/host/{local-directory}{{/warning}}
95 +
102 102  [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-volume-mapping-on-premise--runtime-volumes-configuration-type-bind-mount-filled-in.png]]
103 103  
104 104  {{info}}Note that when you use this option, your directory reference in your flow should refer to the "target" directory configured here.{{/info}}
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118 118  === 3.4 Named pipe ===
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120 -The named pipe option can be selected, but we yet have to see a valid use case within the context of eMagiz for using this option. Therefore, we won't discuss this option further in this microlearning.
114 +The named pipe option can be selected, but we yet have to see a valid use case within the context of eMagiz for using this option. Therefore we won't discuss this option further in this microlearning.
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122 -=== 3.5 Deployment consequences ===
116 +== 4. Assignment ==
123 123  
124 -{{warning}}
125 -* Note that the runtimes cannot be deployed correctly when the source directory **does not exist**. Consequently, no runtime on that machine will start up. One of the following two configurations displayed below are needed to find the source directory:
126 -** /mnt/host/{local-directory}
127 -** /run/desktop/mnt/host/{local-directory}
128 -* When the source directory can be found but the user has no access, the deployment will **fail** for the specific runtime in question with the volume mapping configured. All other runtimes (i.e., containers) will start up (pending other configuration issues).{{/warning}}
118 +Navigate to Deploy -> Architecture and look at the Volume mapping options, read the help texts, and play around with the settings (if it is not a customer environment).
119 +This assignment can be completed with the help of the (Academy) project you created/used in the previous assignment.
129 129  
130 -== 4. Key takeaways ==
121 +== 5. Key takeaways ==
131 131  
132 132  * File-based communication on-premise changes in the new runtime architecture
133 133  * There are two ways to store **persistent** data
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134 134   ** Volume
135 135   ** Bind mount
136 136  * The Volume option is considered the best alternative because they have better performance, and bind mounts are dependent on the directory structure and OS of the host machine
137 -* Before deploying, ensure that the various sources in your configuration exist and that access is granted to avoid problems while deploying.
138 -* The Temporary file storage option is the way to go when dealing with **non-persistent** data.
128 +* When you want to deal with **non-persistent** data, the Temporary file storage option is the way to go.
139 139  
140 -== 5. Suggested Additional Readings ==
130 +== 6. Suggested Additional Readings ==
141 141  
142 142  If you are interested in this topic and want more information, please read the help text provided by eMagiz.
143 143  
134 +== 7. Silent demonstration video ==
135 +
136 +This video demonstrates how you could have handled the assignment and gives context to what you have just learned.
137 +
138 +TBA
139 +
144 144  )))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}{{/container}}