In this microlearning, we will educate you on what we mean when we talk about message definitions.
Should you have any questions, please contact academy@emagiz.com.
1. Prerequisites
- Basic knowledge of the eMagiz platform
2. Key concepts
This microlearning centers around understanding the concept data modeling in design.
3. Please complete the following steps
3.1 Creating entities and attributes in your CDM
Please add the following entities and attributes to your CDM:
- Person, with attributes ID, Name, and Email
- PlatformCourse, with attributes ID and Name
One person has access to many platform courses. It should look like the following:
4. Assignment
Navigate to Design and open the message definition option of at least one integration within your project.
This assignment can be completed within the (Academy) project that you have created/used in the previous assignment.
5. Key takeaways
- A message definition is a visual representation of how the elements are related to each other, whether they are mandatory and the data types they have that can be used in the message mapping
- Some message definitions are specific to a system. Others are generic across systems
6. Suggested Additional Readings
If you are interested in this topic and want more information on it please read the help text provided by eMagiz. Furthermore check out these links if you want a more in-depth knowledge of the eMagiz data models:
- [API Gateway model](crashcourse-api-gateway-api-data-model.md)
- [Understanding the eMagiz CDM](crashcourse-messaging-what-is-cdm.md)
- [Event Streaming data model](intermediate-configuring-event-streaming-data-model.md)
7. Silent demonstration video
This video demonstrates a working solution and how you can validate whether you have successfully completed the assignment.