Delete Folder(s)

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/01/31 10:14


With the help of this store item, you can delete folders from a specific directory. This process is triggered with the help of a Groovy script that looks for folders that adhere to certain criteria (in this case that the folder name is a date)


1. How to use

Once activated this Groovy script will automatically delete all folders that pass the criteria. In the store item the criteria are as follows:

  • The folder name is a date (formatted as yyyy-MM-dd)
  • The folder is older than X days (X is configurable)

2. Keynotes & restrictions

  • Note that you should think about how long you want to retain the files within the folders and when to throw away the folder
  • Best practice is to use a separate flow that governs the deletion of folders within the directory

3. License Information

Part of the standard license agreement as agreed upon when using the store for the first time.

4. Relevant eMagiz Academy Microlearnings

Handle Groovy Script

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