If then else - SpEL

Version 11.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/05/02 09:39


With the help of this store item, you can easily execute an if then else statement with the help of a SpEL expression to filter out messages.


1. How to use

With the help of this store item, you can easily execute an if then else statement with the help of a SpEL expression to filter out messages.

2. Keynotes & restrictions

  • Note that this is an example of how you can use the SpEL expression within eMagiz.
  • The crucial part of this SpEL expression is the comparison between the input value (mainly a header) and a property list.

3. License Information

To use this store item you need to secure an additional license on the eMagiz platform. If you are interested in such a license please contact us at productmanagement@emagiz.com.

4. Relevant eMagiz Academy Microlearnings


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