eMagiz Data Sink

Version 9.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/05/02 09:34


With the help of this functionality, you can sink your messages into the eMagiz data sink bucket. Once the message is stored in the eMagiz data sink bucket, you will have the option to view this message in the Manage phase.


1. How to use

Once stored, eMagiz can retrieve all messages with the same ID attached during the sink action via the Manage phase. In this case, it is assumed that your eMagiz data sink is such that you can review them on the fly. Other eMagiz data sink variants are offered that required specific on-demand queries. 

2. Keynotes & restrictions

  • Note that you should think about when you want to archive your data to the eMagiz data sink. That choice determines what the impact on the functional flow is.
  • Don't use a wiretap to invoke this part of the flow, as that causes the sink's behavior to happen before the actual processing. If the sink fails, the message will not be delivered via the functional part of the flow.
  • Note that we define (among others) how the message is stored in the data sink bucket in this component. The file structure expression should not be altered, as changing this would break the functionality.
  • Note that the 'standard' eMagiz headers to define the source system (i.e. relevant systems) and the messageType need to be available upon sinking to make this functionality work.

3. License Information

To use this store item you need to secure an additional license on the eMagiz platform. If you are interested in such a license please contact us at productmanagement@emagiz.com.

Would you please consult the privacy policy of eMagiz at the following link: https://www.emagiz.com/privacy-policy/?

 a XML message(s)
 b JSON Message(s)