CBS - Trip (Vervoersenquete)

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/05/07 11:53


With the help of this store item, you can deliver your (trip) information in the correct format to the SFTP provided by the CBS (Centraal Bureau Statistiek) with the correct file name so they can process it.

For now, this solution is used to send trip data to the CBS to fulfill the requirements for the Dutch "Vervoersenquete".


1. How to use

With the help of this store item, you can deliver your (trip) information in the correct format to the SFTP provided by the CBS (Centraal Bureau Statistiek) with the correct file name so they can process it.

2. Keynotes & restrictions

  • Note that the CBS needs to grant you access to the SFTP. Once they have done so you will receive relevant information that you need to configure in the solution to set up a working connection
  • The UUID generation is needed to adhere to the OTM standard that the CBS uses in communication with the outside world.
  • Several static values are provided in the transformation towards the CBS as the input values are static in nature. You can opt to change them if you have the relevant information stored in your own system for distribution.
  • Version 1.1.0 and above will only work on the current runtime architecture.

3. License Information

Part of the standard license agreement as agreed upon when using the store for the first time.

4. Relevant Documentation

Would you please consult the privacy policy of eMagiz at the following link