Read ZIP
Version 13.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/05/02 09:42
With the help of this store item, you can read zip files with the help of several custom Groovy scripts to unzip and further process them.
1. How to use
With the help of this store item, you can read zip files with the help of several custom Groovy scripts to unzip and further process them.
2. Keynotes & restrictions
- Note that this is a custom Groovy script that works on the current infrastructure of eMagiz.
- Any custom additions that are needed for your specific use cases need to be created by you and eMagiz will not create it for you.
- The headers in the header component need to match the names on the third line of the groovy script
- Please check out the following link to learn a bit more about Groovy:
3. License Information
To use this store item you need to secure an additional license on the eMagiz platform. If you are interested in such a license please contact us at
4. Relevant eMagiz Academy Microlearnings
Would you please consult the privacy policy of eMagiz at the following link: