Runtime Overview Exit codes

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 13:41

In this document, we will use the information from the actual root cause analysis to make a generic view that can be used if you run into the same or a similar problem in the future. The focus will be on providing insights into what is an exit code, the main exit codes returned by a container when it stops and how can that help you to resolve your problem.  

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1. Key concepts

In a previous microlearning we explained that a container can have multiple statuses. Among these, there is the status Exit which is returned by the container uppon stopping and comes together with a code. The exit code usually points out the reason why the container stopped. In the section below we describe the most common exit codes that you can encounter in eMagiz.


2. Exit code values

  • Exited with code 0
    • The application inside the container completed its work successfully without any errors.
  • Exited with code 1
    • There was a general error in the application, which could be due to a variety of reasons like incorrect arguments or a failed dependency. 
    • For example when you are missing a property value.
  • Exited with code 125
    • The docker run command was not executed successfully. 
    • This usually occurs when eMagiz fails to execute a certain command on that container, e.g. Start, Stop.
  • Exited with code 126
    • The command inside the container was found but cannot be executed. This can be due to permission issues or if the command is not executable. 
    • For example, when eMagiz is running on premises and the permissions are incorrectly configured.
  • Exited with code 127
    • The command was not found. This usually happens if a script is missing or the path is not set correctly.
  • Exited with code 137
    • The container was forcefully stopped
    • This happens when the container exceeds its memory resource limit (OOM).
  • Exited with code 139
    • The application inside the container crashed due to a segmentation fault, which is usually caused by accessing memory that the process does not have permission to access.
  • Exited with code 143
    • The container stopped gracefully after receiving the operating system's SIGTERM signal, which instructs the container to do so.
    • For example, when you command the container to stop via Deploy Architecture or when eMagiz stops the container, e.g. Stop Machine deployment step.
  • Exited with code 255
    • Container exited, returning an exit code outside the acceptable range, meaning the cause of the error is not known.

3. Suggested Additional Readings