Design Runtime Changes After Create

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 13:12

This document will use the actual root cause analysis information to make a generic view that can be used if you run into the same or similar problem. Finally, the document will describe the situation, the problem, the analysis, and the result.

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1. Situation

The user developed certain functionality and wanted to update some settings in Design about how the runtime would be deployed. This problem can occur in two variants. The first variant is the variant in which the user wants to switch to a "split gateway" configuration. The second variant is when the user wants to switch the number of runtimes (i.e., one to two). When you make these changes before you transfer the system to Create, eMagiz will react as expected. However, when making these changes afterward, you need to execute additional steps to get to the desired situation.

2. Problem

The problem in this case, the user wanted to change to a "split gateway" configuration after the system had already been developed in Create. To make this happen, the user activated the checkbox in Design and pressed the accompanying "Transfer from Design" button under Create -> Settings. Sadly, this did not lead to a correct configuration in Deploy.

3. Analysis

3.1 Reproduction

To reproduce the issue, we followed the steps described above to end up in the same situation. Once we got ourselves in the same situation, we needed to find a way to get out of the same situation. To do this, we opened various flows related to the system in question and gave them a version bump. For the "split gateway" configuration, it turned out that a version bump of the infra flow was all that was needed for eMagiz to perform a correct synchronization between Create and Deploy. For the "multiple runtimes" configuration, it turned out that a version bump of an exit flow was all that was needed for eMagiz to perform a correct synchronization between Create and Deploy.

3.2 Analysis

Our reproduction concluded that changing the design settings after your system is already in create causes problems in the deployment phase. To resolve those problems, a user needs to execute a manual version bump of either the infra flow ("split gateway") or of an exit flow ("multiple runtimes") to ensure that Deploy reflects the correct runtime configuration.

4. Result

After manually updating the correct flow version, the Deploy configuration again matched the intended Design configuration. This means that should you encounter this situation, the first remedy to try (assuming you executed the steps above) is a version bump of a specific flow linked to the system.

5. Suggested Additional Readings