Incorrect property configuration

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 10:01

In this document, we will use the information from the actual root cause analysis to make a generic view that can be used if you run into the same or a similar problem in the future. Finally, the document will describe the situation, the problem, the analysis, and the result.

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1. Situation

The message is received that there is a specific flow which is not starting because there is no valid keystore. 

2. Problem

The problem in this case was that the properties for the truststore and keystore were not configured properly.

3. Analysis

3.1 Reproduction

A new flow was built which a connected truststore and keystore. This did not raise any problems, so the problem could not be reproduced.

3.2 Analysis

The first step in the analysis was to see whether another flow was using the same resources. This flow did exists. After which these flows were compared. The property usages seemed to be identical. The next step was to investigate the resources used. There seemed to be a difference between the resources of the flow related to the truststore and keystore, which should be identical. This led to research into the properties themselves. It was concluded that the properties refer to one of the resources which is only linked to one of the flows. 

4. Result

Once the resource of the truststore/keystore is linked to both flows(not different resources per flow), the flow will start without problems.

5. Suggested Additional Readings