JMS Running Unstable

Last modified by Eva Torken on 2024/03/12 15:44

In this document, we will use the information from the actual root cause analysis to make a generic view that can be used if you run into the same or a similar problem in the future. Finally, the document will describe the situation, the problem, the analysis, and the result.

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1. Situation

The JMS was running unstable. A problem with the disk size of the server was identified. 

2. Problem

The problem in this case was the amount of messages on a few queues. Multiple queues exceeded the threshold set. This occured after moving from a push-based mechanism to a pull-based mechanism. 

3. Analysis

3.1 Reproduction


3.2 Analysis

The problem led us to investigate the disk size of the server. Based on that we investigated the queues and found that too many messages were on the queues at certain times. This caused the threshold of the queue to be exceeded. 

4. Result

The new pull-based mechanism was not performing well enough to keep up with the demand. A pull-based mechanism should be asynchronous and not lengthy to prevent this kind of problem.

5. Suggested Additional Readings