Missing Log Entries - Runtime

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 13:22

In this document, we will use the information from the actual root cause analysis to make a generic view that can be used if you run into the same or a similar problem in the future. Finally, the document will describe the situation, the problem, the analysis, and the result.

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with academy@emagiz.com.

1. Situation

Log entries are suddenly missing for a certain runtime.

2. Problem

The problem in this case was that a message which exceeded the maximum size of 1MB was send to the topic on that runtime. This caused the logging to shut down.

3. Analysis

3.1 Reproduction


3.2 Analysis

Analysis showed that logging can be stopped due to messages which exceed the maximum size of 1MB being placed on a topic, however, this does not happen for each of those messages. This can shut down the log entries for the whole runtime. 

4. Result

There is no permanent fix for this issue as it is hard to reproduce. Restarting the runtime will resolve the problem.

5. Suggested Additional Readings