Storing Metadata - Design Architecture

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/01/24 15:08

In the previous microlearning, we learned a bit about Design Architecture.
In this microlearning, we will build on that by learning how you can store metadata on a machine level to get clarity on what is happening.

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1. Prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of the eMagiz platform

2. Key concepts

This microlearning centers around learning how to store metadata on a machine level to give you and your colleagues' insights into what is happening.

With metadata we mean: Information that tells us something about the characteristics of a machine (i.e. host, name, contact, IP-whitelisting)

Storing metadata can help you:

  • See where machines are running specifically
  • See who you should contact in case of troubles
  • See if there are any custom settings, special consideration when updating anything on that machine

3. Storing Metadata - Design Architecture

Once again we find ourselves in Design -> Architecture.
When you double click on a machine or view it via the context menu you get a pop-up detailing information that could help you.


As you can see it is still a pretty blank page at the moment. When you press Start Editing you can edit this information


Let us fill in some of the details to get a feeling of how the information can help you



As you can see from the examples given it is quite easy to register some information on machine level in a way that all can benefit

4. Key takeaways

Storing metadata can help you:

  • See where machines are running specifically
  • See who you should contact in case of troubles
  • See if there are any custom settings, special consideration when updating anything on that machine

5. Suggested Additional Readings

If you are interested in this topic and want more information on it please read the help text provided by eMagiz.