Wiki source code of Runtime Overview

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/09/04 16:30

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1 {{container}}
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3 {{info}}This microlearning is only applicable once running on the [[current generation architecture>>Main.eMagiz Academy.Fundamentals.fundamental-runtime-generation3||target="blank"]].{{/info}}
5 In this microlearning, we'll explore the Runtime Overview in eMagiz. This overview provides crucial insights into the status and performance of each runtime, which serves as the container for your flows. Understanding this overview will help you track which releases are deployed, monitor the state of each container, and ensure that your flows are running as expected.
7 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]].
9 == 1. Prerequisites ==
11 * Basic knowledge of the eMagiz platform
12 * Understanding Releases and be able to run a Deployment plan effectively
13 * Understanding Containers and how flows are managed across them
15 == 2. Key concepts ==
17 eMagiz uses the concept of flows, runtimes and machines. A flow can run inside a runtime, and that runtime acts as a container to make that flow operate properly. For more information on how to assign flows to runtime containers, please check out this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Release Management.intermediate-release-management-assigning-flows-2-containers.WebHome||target="blank"]]. In any case, the runtime overview here helps to understand the status of each container, and whether that container is running the latest changes that were included in the active release or not.
19 == 3. Exploring the Runtime Overview ==
21 * Machine
22 ** The machine where the corresponding runtime is located
23 * Version
24 ** The number of the latest release which was deployed on the certain runtime. If you want to know more about when a new image is created for a container, please read this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.crashcourse-platform-deploy-execute-deployment-plan-gen3.WebHome||target="blank"]].
25 ** Note that this can be **red** in case the latest changes are not deployed on the certain runtime. For example if your deployment plan stops half way and there were changes which need to be deployed in the second part, you could end up in this situation.
26 * State
27 ** Throughout the lifetime of a container it can have one of the 6 states mentioned below. [[Here>>||target="blank"]] you can find more details about these states.
28 *** Created
29 *** Restarting
30 *** Running
31 *** Removing
32 *** Paused
33 *** Exited
34 *** Dead
36 * Status
37 ** Up - This says for how long the runtime was up
38 ** Exited - This says since when the runtime stopped as well as an exit code value which can give more insights into why the container stopped. For more details about the values of the exit codes you can check this [[RCA Knowledge Base entry>>doc:Main.eMagiz Support.RCA Knowledge Base.rca-knowledgebase-runtime-issues.Runtime Overview Exit codes.WebHome||target="blank"]].
39 ** Restarting - When the runtime received a Restart command or when it fails to start because the autohealing will keep on restarting it.
41 {{info}}For each of these statuses we also indicate the time period for which the container was in that state, e.g. "Up for 2 weeks".{{/info}}
44 [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-platform-deploy-runtime-overview.png]]
46 == 4. Key takeaways ==
48 * The runtime overview helps to understand which release is deployed on each container and what the associated status is
49 * The runtime overview helps to understand if the container is running the desired flows set in the active release
51 == 5. Suggested Additional Readings ==
53 * [[RCA Knowledge Base (Menu)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Support.RCA Knowledge Base.WebHome||target="blank"]]
54 ** [[Runtime Issues (Navigation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Support.RCA Knowledge Base.rca-knowledgebase-runtime-issues.WebHome||target="blank"]]
55 *** [[Runtime Overview Exit Codes (Explanation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Support.RCA Knowledge Base.rca-knowledgebase-runtime-issues.Runtime Overview Exit codes.WebHome||target="blank"]]
56 * [[Deployment Plan (Search Result)>>url:||target="blank"]]
58 )))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}
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