Testing in eMagiz

Last modified by Bouke Reitsma on 2023/07/05 11:21

In this fundamental we discuss different testing methods available in software development and discuss how these methods can be used and/or implanted within the platform. Testing in eMagiz can already be done within the Create phase and within deployed integrations via the Deploy and Manage phases. After reading this fundamental you should be able to understand the concepts of different testing methods and how these are incorporated within the eMagiz platform. 

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with academy@emagiz.com.

1. Prerequisites

  • Basic Knowledge of the eMagiz Platform

2. Key concepts

  • Unit Testing
  • Regression testing
  • Performance Testing
  • End-To-End Testing

3. Testing in eMagiz

This fundamental will zoom in on the testing functionality incorperated within the eMagiz portal. We will focus on different aspects of testing which can be executed at different moments within the development in your integrations. We cover four different types of testing which are part of software testing in general and explain them on a conceptual level. For each test we also discuss how those are integrated within the portal and where to find further explanation on applying those test within eMagiz.

3.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a common practice within software platforms. Usually, unit tests are performed by developers during development. It entails testing individual integrations or the components within an integration, such as transformations or mappings. The unit test aims to test early within the development process to identify and fix issues early before they become more difficult and costly to find and solve.

Within eMagiz, we have a dedicated unit testing functionality called "flow testing." One of the key benefits of flow testing is that your integration does not have to be deployed. Therefore, findings can be easily implemented during development. eMagiz supports certain components' live testing to test communication with external systems. More information on flow tests can be found in the following microlearnings:

3.2 Regression Testing

Another testing method used within software development is regression testing. Regression tests ensure that existing functionality is not impacted by newly developed functionality. Running these tests is crucial to preventing unexpected negative changes for customers. Regression tests can be applied on different levels, from individual functionality to the whole platform.

The main functionality within the eMagiz platform to perform regression testing on your integrations is called "Automated flow testing." For every flow test, there is the option to automate them. When a flow test is automated, it will run all automated flow tests once a new version is committed. If the test fails, you will be notified on the flow-level and get a result overview on release activation. More information can be found in the microlearning:

3.3 Performance Testing

A third method for testing is the performance test. Within a performance test, not the content is important but the amount of load you test on your test subject. In the case of integrations, it means, in general, the number of messages sent over a certain integration. Normally your production environment handles more load than a test or acceptance environment. With a performance test, you can estimate how much impact a new integration has on resources, such as CPU or memory usage of the runtimes within your environment. More information on how to configure the solution architecture of your model can be found in this microlearning:

 Performance testing on the eMagiz portal or documentation portal is NOT allowed. 

3.4 End-To-End Testing

The last testing option discussed in this fundamental is a user acceptance test or End-to-End test. In this test, not only developers or testers are involved, but also end-users or other people from the business side. Therefore this testing method is more functionally focused than the previously discussed tests. A User Acceptance test aims to let the business (users) accept the solution created. Normally, this is the last step before pushing the solution to production.

All the previously mentioned eMagiz functionality helps you complete an End-to-End test or to solve issues found within the test effectively. More information on this testing method can be found in the microlearning:

4. Key takeaways

  • There are different testing methods with different goals
  • Not every testing method can be done at any stage of development
  • For every testing method, eMagiz has documentation and when possible features to support testing

5. Suggested Additional Readings

If you are interested in this topic and want to learn more on how testing can be done within the eMagiz platform, please check out our microlearnings on testing in eMagiz: