Search: "deploy architecture"
Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18
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Create your Topic
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To deploy a particular topic in an environment, you need to navigate towards Deploy Architecture. === 3.1 Register the topic on the cluster === Within Deploy Architecture, you will see your Topic Storage, including the newly added topic in green. [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-eventstreaming-create-your-topic--deploy-architecture-before-apply.png]] To ensure that the topic is created in that environment, enter "Start Editing" mode and press Apply to Environment.
…[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-eventstreaming-create-your-topic--deploy-architecture-after-apply.png]] == 4. Key takeaways == * eMagiz automates the creation of your topic based on your design; you only need to register it. * To register and deploy your topic, simply navigate to the Deploy Architecture section, enter "Start Editing" mode, and click "Apply to Environment." == 5.
Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic
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Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic
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Understanding Deploy Architecture == The Deploy Architecture overview is accessible under Deploy.
…[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic--initial-overview.png]] The following Deploy Architecture could look similar to what you would see **after** the first "Apply to environment" action is executed.
…{{/info}} There is much more to tell about Deploy Architecture but more on that in later microlearnings. == 4.
Key differences Design & Deploy Architecture
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Key differences Design & Deploy Architecture
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In case a system is added to a Cloud Connector machine for instance, the Deploy architecture will allows to actually deploy that runtime. == 3.
…However, in some cases the Deploy architecture looks different compared to the Design architecture.
…These systems are not displayed in Deploy Architecture. [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-solution-architecture-diffs-design-deploy-2.png]] * Systems accessed via Exit Gates only Applications that accessed via API Gateway operations only are also no displayed in the Deploy Architecture.
Configure needed runtime memory
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This involves assigning the correct heap and non-heap memory per runtime within the Deploy Architecture. eMagiz simplifies this process by providing a recalculate button that automates the calculations.
…With configuration, we mean: Based on the calculations, assign the correct heap and non-heap memory per runtime in Deploy Architecture. * Configuration of memory takes place in Deploy Architecture * eMagiz provides you with a recalculate button that will do the calculation for you * Use the calculation made by eMagiz and checked by you to fill in the numbers if you deviate from the recommended settings == 3.
…In cases where all or part of the assumptions are violated, you can start by using the recalculate button and, based on that, change the settings to mimic your calculations. === 3.1 Deploy Architecture === You can recalculate the memory settings when you navigate to Deploy -> Architecture.
Start/Stop Flows
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. === 3.1 How to use it === You can access this functionality via the [["Deploy Architecture">>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic||target="blank"]] overview in the Deploy phase.
…Suggested Additional Readings == If you are interested in this topic and want more information, please read the help text provided by eMagiz and check out these links: * [[Crash Course (Menu)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.WebHome||target="blank"]] ** [[Crash Course Platform (Navigation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.WebHome||target="blank"]] *** [[Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic (Explanation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic||target="blank"]] * [[Start Stop Flows (Search Results)>>url:
Signal received - Recovery Needed
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Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment.
…Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment if you are not yet on this page 1*.
…Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment if you are not yet on this page 1*.
Runtime Settings
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{{container}} {{container layoutStyle="columns"}} ((( In this microlearning, we will focus on how to influence the runtime settings via the Deploy -> Architecture overview. With the help of this functionality, you can configure two settings.
…For example, part of these settings is located on the runtime level in Deploy -> Architecture. Executing a right-click while in "Start Editing" mode on a runtime provides you with one of the following context menus.
…Key takeaways == * On the runtime level in Deploy -> Architecture, you have a context menu item called "Runtime Settings." * In this context menu item, you can configure the HTTP Settings and whether the control bus is enabled. * HTTP Settings are needed when hosting a SOAP or REST web service. ** When enabling, the port needs to be filled in. ** Optionally, you can configure one-way or two-way SSL for an on-premise endpoint. * By disabling the control bus, you will lose (parts of) the functionality that allows you to view or halt data. ** Queue browser. ** Message redelivery. ** Start/Stop flow components. * Changes must be deployed by creating a new release and deploying it via a deployment plan. == 5.
Data loss during a production change
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The unexpected maintenance resulted in a user pressing the Apply to Environment button in Deploy -> Architecture in eMagiz. As a result, the complete machine was stopped, recreated, and started again. == 2.
Flows not installed on runtime
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The reset runtime action in the Deploy Architecture cleans up the data folder (excluding the H2 folder) but doesn't cleanup the libraries.
228 - Monitoring Mania
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Moreover, we have done several improvements in deploy architecture and flow testing. Please find out all our changes & bug fixes below.
…Create - Flow Designer: The styling of the "File Item Reader Message Source" component configuration pop-up has been improved. (#1152) Create - Flow Testing: Test messages can now be edited or removed while in the edit mode of the flow testing functionality. Deploy - Architecture: The SSL section in runtime settings has more elaborate helptext. (#1277) Deploy - Architecture: A pop-up with a warning will be shown when containers are configured with less memory than recommended. (#1423) Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405) Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan.
…This means that you will not get blocked anymore when deploying to Production. (#1065) Create - Flow Designer: The copy paste functionality in the flow designer does not change the configuration of existing flow components anymore. (#1392) Create - Flow Testing: It is now possible to reuse the test messages created in other flows within the routing and vice versa. (#1274) Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where new machines could be deployed with exceeding memory. (#1295)
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Moreover, we have done several improvements in deploy architecture and flow testing. Please find out all our changes & bug fixes below.
…====Minor changes==== * Community - Release Notes: The legacy release notes tab has been removed. * Create - Flow Designer: The styling of the "File Item Reader Message Source" component configuration pop-up has been improved. (#1152) * Create - Flow Testing: Test messages can now be edited or removed while in the edit mode of the flow testing functionality. * Deploy - Architecture: The SSL section in runtime settings has more elaborate helptext. (#1277) * Deploy - Architecture: A pop-up with a warning will be shown when containers are configured with less memory than recommended. (#1423) * Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405) * Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan. * Deploy - History: We added logging for when properties are deleted from the unused properties screen. (#1428) * Deploy - Missing Properties Overview: Setting the value of a missing property will now automatically remove it from the missing properties overview.
…This means that you will not get blocked anymore when deploying to Production. (#1065) * Create - Flow Designer: The copy paste functionality in the flow designer does not change the configuration of existing flow components anymore. (#1392) * Create - Flow Testing: It is now possible to reuse the test messages created in other flows within the routing and vice versa. (#1274) * Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where new machines could be deployed with exceeding memory. (#1295)