Search: "deploy architecture"

Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18

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Create your Topic

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/08/23 11:56
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To deploy a particular topic in an environment, you need to navigate towards Deploy Architecture. === 3.1 Register the topic on the cluster === Within Deploy Architecture, you will see your Topic Storage, including the newly added topic in green. [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-eventstreaming-create-your-topic--deploy-architecture-before-apply.png]] To ensure that the topic is created in that environment, enter "Start Editing" mode and press Apply to Environment.
[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-eventstreaming-create-your-topic--deploy-architecture-after-apply.png]] == 4. Key takeaways == * eMagiz automates the creation of your topic based on your design; you only need to register it. * To register and deploy your topic, simply navigate to the Deploy Architecture section, enter "Start Editing" mode, and click "Apply to Environment." == 5.

Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/17 08:23
Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic
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Understanding Deploy Architecture == The Deploy Architecture overview is accessible under Deploy.
[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic--initial-overview.png]] The following Deploy Architecture could look similar to what you would see **after** the first "Apply to environment" action is executed.
{{/info}} There is much more to tell about Deploy Architecture but more on that in later microlearnings. == 4.

Key differences Design & Deploy Architecture

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/02 16:06
Key differences Design & Deploy Architecture
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In case a system is added to a Cloud Connector machine for instance, the Deploy architecture will allows to actually deploy that runtime. == 3.
However, in some cases the Deploy architecture looks different compared to the Design architecture.
These systems are not displayed in Deploy Architecture. [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-solution-architecture-diffs-design-deploy-2.png]] * Systems accessed via Exit Gates only Applications that accessed via API Gateway operations only are also no displayed in the Deploy Architecture.

Configure needed runtime memory

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/09/03 12:16
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This involves assigning the correct heap and non-heap memory per runtime within the Deploy Architecture. eMagiz simplifies this process by providing a recalculate button that automates the calculations.
With configuration, we mean: Based on the calculations, assign the correct heap and non-heap memory per runtime in Deploy Architecture. * Configuration of memory takes place in Deploy Architecture * eMagiz provides you with a recalculate button that will do the calculation for you * Use the calculation made by eMagiz and checked by you to fill in the numbers if you deviate from the recommended settings == 3.
In cases where all or part of the assumptions are violated, you can start by using the recalculate button and, based on that, change the settings to mimic your calculations. === 3.1 Deploy Architecture === You can recalculate the memory settings when you navigate to Deploy -> Architecture.

Start/Stop Flows

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/09/30 10:15
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. === 3.1 How to use it === You can access this functionality via the [["Deploy Architecture">>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic||target="blank"]] overview in the Deploy phase.
Suggested Additional Readings == If you are interested in this topic and want more information, please read the help text provided by eMagiz and check out these links: * [[Crash Course (Menu)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.WebHome||target="blank"]] ** [[Crash Course Platform (Navigation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.WebHome||target="blank"]] *** [[Understanding Deploy Architecture - Basic (Explanation)>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.crashcourse-platform-deploy-understanding-deploy-architecture-basic||target="blank"]] * [[Start Stop Flows (Search Results)>>url:

Signal received - Recovery Needed

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/16 07:01
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Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment.
Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment if you are not yet on this page 1*.
Navigate to ‘Deploy’, ‘Architecture’ and select the ‘Production’ environment if you are not yet on this page 1*.

Runtime Settings

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/09/19 10:05
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{{container}} {{container layoutStyle="columns"}} ((( In this microlearning, we will focus on how to influence the runtime settings via the Deploy -> Architecture overview. With the help of this functionality, you can configure two settings.
For example, part of these settings is located on the runtime level in Deploy -> Architecture. Executing a right-click while in "Start Editing" mode on a runtime provides you with one of the following context menus.
Key takeaways == * On the runtime level in Deploy -> Architecture, you have a context menu item called "Runtime Settings." * In this context menu item, you can configure the HTTP Settings and whether the control bus is enabled. * HTTP Settings are needed when hosting a SOAP or REST web service. ** When enabling, the port needs to be filled in. ** Optionally, you can configure one-way or two-way SSL for an on-premise endpoint. * By disabling the control bus, you will lose (parts of) the functionality that allows you to view or halt data. ** Queue browser. ** Message redelivery. ** Start/Stop flow components. * Changes must be deployed by creating a new release and deploying it via a deployment plan. == 5.

Data loss during a production change

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 11:01
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The unexpected maintenance resulted in a user pressing the Apply to Environment button in Deploy -> Architecture in eMagiz. As a result, the complete machine was stopped, recreated, and started again. == 2.

Flows not installed on runtime

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 13:07
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The reset runtime action in the Deploy Architecture cleans up the data folder (excluding the H2 folder) but doesn't cleanup the libraries.

228 - Monitoring Mania

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/08/26 16:09
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Moreover, we have done several improvements in deploy architecture and flow testing. Please find out all our changes & bug fixes below.
Create - Flow Designer: The styling of the "File Item Reader Message Source" component configuration pop-up has been improved. (#1152) Create - Flow Testing: Test messages can now be edited or removed while in the edit mode of the flow testing functionality. Deploy - Architecture: The SSL section in runtime settings has more elaborate helptext. (#1277) Deploy - Architecture: A pop-up with a warning will be shown when containers are configured with less memory than recommended. (#1423) Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405) Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan.
This means that you will not get blocked anymore when deploying to Production. (#1065) Create - Flow Designer: The copy paste functionality in the flow designer does not change the configuration of existing flow components anymore. (#1392) Create - Flow Testing: It is now possible to reuse the test messages created in other flows within the routing and vice versa. (#1274) Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where new machines could be deployed with exceeding memory. (#1295)
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Moreover, we have done several improvements in deploy architecture and flow testing. Please find out all our changes & bug fixes below.
====Minor changes==== * Community - Release Notes: The legacy release notes tab has been removed. * Create - Flow Designer: The styling of the "File Item Reader Message Source" component configuration pop-up has been improved. (#1152) * Create - Flow Testing: Test messages can now be edited or removed while in the edit mode of the flow testing functionality. * Deploy - Architecture: The SSL section in runtime settings has more elaborate helptext. (#1277) * Deploy - Architecture: A pop-up with a warning will be shown when containers are configured with less memory than recommended. (#1423) * Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405) * Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan. * Deploy - History: We added logging for when properties are deleted from the unused properties screen. (#1428) * Deploy - Missing Properties Overview: Setting the value of a missing property will now automatically remove it from the missing properties overview.
This means that you will not get blocked anymore when deploying to Production. (#1065) * Create - Flow Designer: The copy paste functionality in the flow designer does not change the configuration of existing flow components anymore. (#1392) * Create - Flow Testing: It is now possible to reuse the test messages created in other flows within the routing and vice versa. (#1274) * Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where new machines could be deployed with exceeding memory. (#1295)
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